InAPI Questionnaire – New Game


    The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather relevant information from the game provider about each new game for the InAPI platform.

    Game Provider

    This section is intended for gathering all relevant information about game provider.

    Platform/Aggregator Name (Your brand name, company name)*




    Contact information, staging - developer or devops, production - support team


    Kindly specify the game name, game key, manufacturer, game type and upload thumbnail for each game

    While you are requesting the staging account, we don't need all them. If you have already sent us the information, you don't have to fill it in again.

    Game name*

    Game names e.g.:
    243 Crystal Fruits

    Game key/game code*

    Game key e.g.:


    Game provider e.g.:
    Tom Horn Gaming

    Game type*

    Game type e.g.:
    Slot or Live dealer roulette

    Release date*

    Release date e.g.:

    Game feature description

    In a few words or sentences describe the main feature(s) of the game

    Game marketing text

    Provide a brief marketing description of the game

    Game assets

    Game thumbnails in the PNG format, two files per game: 180x120px, 300x200px for each game. Naming convention gamekey180.png, gamekey300.png (e.g. VSWolf_TNP180.png, VSWolf_TNP300.png, Game screenshots: base game and feature; paytable, winlines, symbols / mobile 19.5: 9 (aspect ratio)

    Game help

    In word file (docx)