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Tom Horn joins tens of thousands around the world to help fund spinal cord research

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Bratislava, 2017

On 7 May ten members of Tom Horn`s staff participated in a global race which saw enthusiastic sportsmen to join forces in a global run to support a not-for-profit foundation Wings for Life. The foundation is dedicated to securing funding for the cutting-edge international research in the field of spinal cord injury. Wings for Life World Run operates with an original concept. Instead of approaching a finish line, runners are chased by a catcher car.

At Tom Horn we are always committed to ambitious and noble cause and this mission was no exception. We prepared for the event with all eagerness and determination to give the best of ourselves. The driving force behind our endeavour was our wish to help those who had tragic accidents and were left paralysed.

We approached this challenge with passion and dedication and our efforts were rewarded with great results our team achieved in a tough competition. We are pleased to announce that we ran 116 km in total and were ranked as the 886th team among companies around the world.

Wings for Life Run was one of many charitable events we have on our agenda and we are adamant about fulfilling our resolution to participate in similar projects in the future.